资 源 简 介
IRSIM is a switch-level simulator for digital logic circuits. This is an Emacs mode for editing IRSIM netlists. It provides syntax highlighting and an extremely pleasant method if indentation, as well as some minor polish that you should enjoy but not notice.
To install, put irsim-mode.el somewhere that emacs will see it
like your site-lisp/ sirectory and stick something like this in
your .emacs file:
(autoload "irsim-mode "irsim-mode" nil t)(setq auto-mode-alist (cons "("\.sim$" . irsim-mode) auto-mode-alist))
Note that this will override the default behavior for opening
.sim files, which is to go into simula-mode. This might be a
problem if you use both.
This mode is opinionated. It has a very specific idea of how
IRSIM code ought to be indented, and if you don"t like it then
just set irsim-use-fancy-inde