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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > A usability helper for WangWang (Ali IM) 改善阿里旺旺易用性的辅助工具

A usability helper for WangWang (Ali IM) 改善阿里旺旺易用性的辅助工具

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Provide several usability improvements for WangWang (Ali IM). Features Remove ads Win + Q: Open main window and make the "friend search box" into focus. Win + X: Mute current chat window for a while (10 minutes by default). Win + Ctrl + X: Mute current chat window for a long time (30 minutes by default). ...Anything you think it must have~ feel free to send me suggestions. Requirement WangWang (Ali IM) 2012 AutoHotKey (optional) Usage Download "ww-fairy.exe" (or "ww-fairy.ahk" if you have AutoHotKey installed already). Run it after WangWang. Enjoy ads-free and use the hotkeys as you wish. Tips Quickly restore all muted windows: Right click on the tray icon, select "Reload this script".

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