资 源 简 介
This site contains all the mods used by Praetorian Guard - Cenarius US to handle everything related to accrual and spending of dkp, and loot history. In short our solution(s) to all the tedious crap that keeps people up for hours updating their dkp website after raid, and all the stuff that keeps guilds standing around doing nothing for 10 extra minutes while loot is auctioned manually.
We take no credit for writing the base mods found on this site. No attempt has been made to obscure their origins, or original developers. As a point of fact we are VERY grateful to the many awesome developers who wrote the various mods we started with.
The mods we started with are:
WoW Addons(and associated utilities): GetDKP Plus, NRT, LootTrigger, Chronos, CT_RaidTracker.
Website stuff: EQDKP Plus
If I"m missing anything feel free to let me know.
Razz/Shaithus of Cenarius US