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Offer applications that allow robotic telescopes to operate over the Internet and get astronomical real time images in order to provide the observation of stars for teachers, students and interested people is a desire of educational programs such as the Telescópios na Escola and organizations as the Associação Norte Riograndense de Astronomia. Because this necessity, Galactus was developed as a web-based system capable of controlling and managing automated telescopes, creating observation calendars, performing schedules, registering users, etc. Galactus is composed of two subsystems: the Galactus Telescope Manager and Galactus Telescope Interface. The first is responsible for the management of user accounts, telescopes, observation calendars, schedules and produced content; the second is the interface between the telescope and Galactus Telescope Manager, being responsible for communication with the device and image capture. In this work, it will be presented the basic concepts of

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