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Follow these steps to include a new driver in the ADSP build with the HD22 package:1. Copy driver source and header files at location adsp_procSensorsddvendorsrc. There are two driver stub filesdd_vendor_1.c (and .h) and dd_vendor_2.c (and .h) at this location. You can either use the same files names to add your driver code or replace these files.2. If you are using different file name(s) then update the following section in file adsp_procSensorsddvendoruilddd_vendors.scons to include your driversource file names. if "SENSORS_DD_DEV_FLAG" in env: DD_VENDOR_SOURCES = [ "${BUILDPATH}/dd_vendor_1.c", "${BUILDPATH}/dd_vendor_2.c", ]3. Build ADSP code using the following command from the root folder (adsp_proc)build.py4. Steps to load ADSP binaries:a