资 源 简 介
a sphinx retrival tool to search from searchd
valid params:[--host=][--port=]--index= [--query=][--limit=][--offset=][--filter=]
--host= tell me the sphinx server ip,default is localhost
--port= tell me the sphinx server port,defalult is 9312
--index= the index name to query, must be setted
--query= the sphinx query language ,we use extend2 match mode
--filter= the sphinx filters you set ,just for int values now,the pattern is: key1=value1&key2=value2
--offset= where to start,default value is 0
--limit= how many to return,cooperates with offset, default value is 10
for example:./hellosphinx --host= --port=9312
--index=productindexmain_5 --query="租房" --filter="cateID=43&cityID=188"
--limit=10 --offset=0
--host= 指定sphinx searchd 在的服务器地址
--port= host 对应服务器上sphinx searchd监听的端口
--index= 要检索的索引名称
--query= 要检索的sphinx查询语句
--filter= 设置sphinx的过滤