资 源 简 介
The IHG Ubb tool bar was essentially a greasemonkey script created for PHPhulp.nl to make editing ubb in the reply form more pleasant. It features short keys and is able to alter the functionality depending on the context. A basic plugin system is also in place.
It tries to make use of the capabilities of the browser, but the core of the script - mainly the editing engine - should also support Internet Explorer. Targeted browsers are the latest versions of Safari (Webkit) and Firefox. Support for Internet Explorer is planned.
The source uses PHP to include all the Javascript files into one single file. Note that it currently depends on PHP short-tags, so those should be turned on. Just accessing ubbbar.user.js.php with your browser should be sufficient.
Afterwards some configuration may be needed. The first lines of ubbbar.user.js contain some vars, namely RESOURCES and SCRIPTS, which should point to a website cont