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Django LDAP Backend (django_ldapbackend)
You will require Django and LDAP. ( easy_install django ; apt-get install slapd )
Install this (easy_install should do it). ( easy_install django-ldapbackend )
Add the following to your settings.py without the comments:
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( "django_ldapbackend.LDAPBackend", "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend",)
This is the LDAP Backend with the default as fallback.
Add the following settings to your settings.py, customing as required:
# Required
AUTHLDAPSERVER = "" # Hostname
AUTHLDAPBASE_USER = "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" # Administrative User"s Username
AUTHLDAPBASE_PASS = "password" # Administrative User"s Password
AUTHLDAPBASE_DN = "dc=example,dc=com"