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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 表演者把水倒进一个用报纸卷成的漏斗里,这已够令人惊讶了,报纸怎能包住水呢?但他还是一本正经地把报纸漏斗的下而折起来,不至于让水流出来;而观众们却在等着看,水是否...


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表演者把水倒进一个用报纸卷成的漏斗里,这已够令人惊讶了,报纸怎能包住水呢?但他还是一本正经地把报纸漏斗的下而折起来,不至于让水流出来;而观众们却在等着看,水是否从报纸下面流出来,出乎意料,表演者突然把报往空中一扔,按住后将它展开,滴水不见,报纸完全是干的。然后再将这张报纸卷起来,从报纸里往玻璃杯里倒水。 -performers into the water with a newspaper rolled into the funnel, which has enough surprising, newspapers can encase water? But he still felt that way, making the newspaper the next funnel pack up and that will not flow out; And in the audience were waiting to see it, Newspapers from the water flow out below, surprisingly, the performers suddenly reported to discard them on the air, it will start to press. without water, the newspaper is completely dry. Then we can roll up this newspaper, from newspapers to glass Lane Lane drinks.

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