资 源 简 介
Outfox is a Firefox extension that allows in-page JavaScript to access local platform services and devices such as text-to-speech synthesis, sound playback, game controllers, etc. The devices available for use are defined by optional modules loaded by an external socket server process. Communication between the external modules and the page JavaScript is bidirectional to support commands and callbacks.
The initial version of Outfox supports access to multichannel text-to-speech and sound output with callbacks (start, end, word) on Mac OS X 10.5.x, Windows XP and Vista, and various Linux distros.
As Outfox matures, its possible uses might include:
Making self-voicing web pages and applications
Supporting alternative input devices in web applications
Adding new I/O to web sites with Greasemonkey
Writing online games with audio, speech, joysticks, game pads, etc.
See the GettingStarted page to start using Outfox.