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The Correll Lab Swarm Robotics Platform - Droplets NOTE: The source code control for this project has been moved to GitHub (https://github.com/correlllab/cu-droplet). Please go there for all further updates and changes. The platform is envisioned to be a scalable robotics experimentation environment. It consists of three major components, the hardware, the embedded software and the software simulation environment. The hardware component comprises of the actual robot and the test bed/floor that experiments are run on. The robots are Ping-Pong ball sized devices capable of sensing (RGB color and IR sensing), actuation using vibration motors and communication, using analog/digital IR sensors. The embedded software layer is what we use to write and compile on-board code for the droplets. Each robot is equipped with an Atmel xmega-128a3u microprocessor capable of running embedded C-code. For more information on the hardware and low-level softw

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