资 源 简 介
Given a pair of metabolic pathways, an alignment of the pathways corresponds to
a mapping between similar substructures of the pair. Successful alignments may provide
useful applications in phylogenetic tree reconstruction, drug design, and overall
may enhance our understanding of cellular metabolism. We consider the problem of providing one-to-many alignments of reactions in a pair of metabolic
pathways. We first provide a constrained alignment framework applicable to the problem.
We show that the constrained alignment problem even in a very primitive setting is computationally intractable which justifies efforts for designing efficient heuristics. We present our Constrained Alignment of Metabolic Pathways (CAMPWays) algorithm
designed for this purpose. Through extensive experiments involving a large pathway database we demonstrate that when compared to a state-of-the-art alternative, the CAMPWays algorithm provides better alignment results on metabolic network