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# Introduction #
Graph-indexing wavelet tree (gWT) (1) is a software for graph similarity search and is applicable to massive graph databases. gWT represents graphs as a set of words called bag-of-words(2), and solves the graph similarity search problem as a semi-conjunctive query which searches for graphs matching to at least k query words. To solve the semi-conjunctive query efficiently, gWT uses a novel recursive search algorithm on wavelet tree (3). Unlike state-of-the-art graph search methods, it does not require a frequent subgraph mining to index graph databases. gWT is applicable to more than 20 million graphs.
Recently, gWT has been reimplemented on wavelet matrix (6), another interpretation of wavelet tree.
Thus, the source codes of the current version are much simpler than those of the previous versions.
# Quick Start #
To compile gWT, please type the following:
tar -xzvf gwt-X.X.X.tar.bz2
cd gwm-X.X.X/src
To create an index-file from a graph database, the