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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > MFC消息映射机制的剖析,讲述如何运用ClassWizard,,理解发送给窗口的消息是如何被MFC框架通过窗口句柄映射表和消息映射表来用窗口类的函数进行响应的。...


  • 资源大小:45.78 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
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  • 标      签: Windows开发

资 源 简 介

MFC消息映射机制的剖析,讲述如何运用ClassWizard,,理解发送给窗口的消息是如何被MFC框架通过窗口句柄映射表和消息映射表来用窗口类的函数进行响应的。掌握设备描述表及其封装类CDC的使用,CDC是如何与具体的设备发生关联的,融合具体的画图程序进行分析。如何设置封闭图形的填充刷子(位图画刷与透明画刷的使用)-MFC Message Mapping Analysis of the mechanism on how to use ClassWizard,, understand this window to the news is being MFC framework through window handles mapping information and mapping table to table by the window class In response to the function. Table master device descriptions and Packaging category CDC use, and the CDC is how specific equipment linked to the occurrence, Fusion specific drawing program for analysis. How to set up a closed graphics filled brush (picture-painting brushes and transparent use of the brush)

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