资 源 简 介
function [alphaStar, bStar, SVIndex] = yxcSVMtrain(X, Y, C, kernel, sigma)
% If you have the Chinese book: 《数据挖掘中的新方法——支持向量机》, find the algorithm here:
% Classify C-SVC using algorithm 5.4.12 on page 193
% Otherwise, refer to this article: "Support Vector Machines: Hype or Hallelujah?"
% Section 6: SUMMARY OF SVM METHOD on page 5
% http://www.sigkdd.org/explorations/issue2-2/bennett.pdf
% Here is also a very good tutorial: "A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition"
% www.umiacs.umd.edu/~joseph/support-vector-machines4.pdf
% A detailed description about iris flower data set:
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