资 源 简 介
This project demonstrates validation features gained by customizing shale-validator and commons-validator frameworks.
Shows an example of grouping the validations of jsf components (in the same form). Simply, give a group id to the validator(s) of a jsf component, then say any submitter to fire only validations of the specified group.
You can reach to this extension"s project page that is providing this ability from here.
Client validations are set as "false" to show server side behaviors of validators. But you can easily enable client validations by setting s:commonsvalidator tags" "client" attribute to "true" at groupValidationDemo.jsp page.
Demo environment;
* JDK-1.5
* JSF-1.2-07
* JSP-2.1
* Tomcat-6.0.10 (Servlet-2.5 / JSP-2.1)