资 源 简 介
Forensic Acquisition Information and Drive Data Script (faidds).
This script provides a simple way to gather drive information and acquire a drive from a specified device file to the local directory.
faidds.py [-h] [-D] [-dcfldd] [-m hash0,hash1] [-c size in G (1024*1024*1024)] [-s "serial number"] -d "drive location""
-h: help"
-D: debug information"
-s: user specified serial number. Default is to find serial number in drive info."
-d: device file to acquire"
-c: size to split file in G (102410241024)"
-dcfldd: use dcfldd (default: dc3dd)"
-m: list of hash algorithms to use. Comma separated with no spaces. (default: md5)"
Copyright (c) 2012, InGuardians, Inc.