资 源 简 介
JS Tetris
JS Tetris is a browser-based clone of one of the greatest puzzle video games of all time.
To play you only need to have javascript enabled in your browser - no plugins are required (no java, no flush). You are free to put Js Tetris on your web-site, modify the game - see the download section. The rules are simple. Move and rotate the blocks
with the aim of creating a horizontal line of blocks without gaps.
Js Tetris is an open source project, source codes are available for download.
You can put tetris on your own web site, you can change the look of the game and even modify the game mechanics, it is easy because the game is written in Javascript which is the most popular programming language for the web.
Browser version
Version 1.19: JsTetris\_1.19.zip (16 KB) (2010-03-03)
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