资 源 简 介
clear k = 0; clc while k < 3; k = menu("ANGLE AND ABSULOTE CONTENT AF PICTURES","SELECT TWO DESIRE PICTURES ","HELP","Exit"); if k == 1 a=input("enter the name of your FIRST file (for exapmle moon.tif between two coteishen ) = "); b=input("enter the name of your SECCOND file (for exapmle moon.tif between two coteishen ) = ") ex8(a,b) elseif k == 2 helpdlg("This Program get two pictures and recunsruct two new pictures with substitioting the phase angels between them, if these images are not the same size then this program change thier size with respect to the little one"," MEHDI DEHGHANI"); else choice = questdlg("REALLY WANNA TOO EXIT?","MEHDI DEHGHANI", "YES","NO","NO"); switch choice case "YES" k=10; case "NO" k=2; end end end