资 源 简 介
This is a simple base64 encoding implementation, based on the openSSL library. I found this code on http://www.ioncannon.net and modified it a bit with some Linux compatibility and a decoding function.
To compile this code you need the openSSL development libraries. In Windows I copied all the headers and lib files into my Dev-Cpp folder and compiled the code with the command:
gcc base64.c -l libeay32
or for static linking:
gcc base64.c /usr/lib/libcrypto.a
In Linux/Unix it is:
gcc base64.c -lssl
To compile the test binary use a command like:
Windows: gcc base64.c testB64.c -o testB64.exe -l libeay32
Linux: gcc base64.c testB64.c -o testB64.exe -lssl or use the Makefile
* After compiling, you need the libeay32.dll file in the directory of your co