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Plug-ins collection for the ScrewTurn wiki.
Only one plug-in available at this time.
Path Elements
Allows simulation of tree structure between wiki pages by using symbols. This can help to better organize complex wiki and keep all related pages together.
The plug-in allows you to use syntax like [./Subsection1] and [../Section1/Sebsection] to reference related pages.
"/" is used as a separator in the wiki mark up. It is replaced by "-". So [Section1/Sebsection] becomes [Section1-Sebsection] when wiki page is generated.
"." refers to the current page name. If the current page is "Parent-Section1-Sebsection" (with the implied structure of "Section1" being child of "Parent" and "Sebsection" being child of "Section1") then [./DeepSection] wi