资 源 简 介
Plasticity is a package with a convenient interface,
used to run simulations of single cells and networks of neurons. It is used
to explore BCM synaptic modification, Hebbian learning, ICA, and others. It
accompanies the book Theory of Cortical
Plasticity, http://web.bryant.edu/~bblais/plasticity/book.html, by Leon Cooper, Nathan Intrator, Brian Blais, and Harel
Shouval. It is available from World Scientific.
This project is supported in part by NSF CRCNS Grant "The Cellular Basis of Receptive Field Plasticity in Visual Cortex: An Integrative, Experimental and Theoretical Approach" #IIS-0515285
basic principle of the simulations is the presentation of pattern and noise
vectors to a network of neurons, with specified lateral connectivity and
synaptic modification rule. The pattern vectors are either patches from
images or simply read from a pickled .dat file as columns of a matrix. The
noise vectors are generated during run-time. The interface le