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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 一个强大的mkisofs支持MD5空间优化


资 源 简 介

Latest Release mkisofs-2.01-cjk-md5 has been released on 2011/03/20 in 3 packages: source/binary/sample. It"s enough for people to build ISO images. You can download source and add your features. C:>mkisofs -version GNU Released by Joerg Schilling, Modified by Wwashington. With Great Thanks To: Japan NOBORU(NLS-CJK Patch), Alex Kopylov(MD5-Opt Patch). mkisofs 2.01-bootcd.ru-cjk-md5 (i686-pc-mingw32) Sample: mkisofs -V "mydoc-测试" -r -duplicates-once -iso-level 2 -input-charset cp936 -cjk4dos-filenames -cjk4unx-filenames -o mydoc5.iso mydoc About mkisofs-orig This an advanced edtion for original mkisofs, which is a famous ISO image creating tool. The orignal mkisofs is written by Joerg Schilling, please find the source and binary here. Latest News: http:

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