资 源 简 介
The SoapUI Abstract Plugin project was created to remove some of the complexity involved with writing custom plugins for the SoapUI web service testing platform.
Allows easy creation of custom test steps for SOAP tests
No configuration files required! (SoapUI v4.5+ - see Getting Started guide)
Adds custom test step icon support, which SoapUI 4.0- does not!
Requires just one class!
SoapUI Abstract Plugin enables developers to create custom SoapUI TestSteps in just a few steps:
Copy soapUiAbstractPlugin-xx.jar and jspf-core-1.0.2.jar to SOAPUIHOME/bin/ext
Create a class that extends SoapUI"s WsdlTestStep and implements RuntimeWsdlTestStep
Jar up your plugin and deploy it to a new directory named "teststeps" in SOAPUIHOME/bin/ext
That"s it! SoapUI Abstract Plugin will use the information in your plugin class