资 源 简 介
tintin++ client scripts for Discworld MUD with a wizzard player in mind
Updated versions will now be provided by Muad at https://github.com/Trevoke/dw-mud
For the full experience you need festival-tts and mpg321 installed for text-to-speech support and mp3 file support.
Also you need the following settings in your Discworld options.
brief money;
monitor on;
alias xp money brief;score brief
alias afterinventory alias tintin-settings; xp
Additional commands provided by the client:
groupbar on/off
partyadd playername: adds a player to the groupbar and tracks their tpa and kills
clearparty: clears the groupbar
kills: shows you the tracked kills
gkills: shows the group the tracked kills (using gs for group say)
ded: shows the timers for special npcs
gded: shows the timers to the group (using gs again)
Please have a read of config.tin a