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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 一个工具来撕裂和恢复商业任天堂DS(和GBA游戏卡带了)


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This tool allows you to backup and restore saves from commercial Nintendo handheld game cartridges. Based on the devkitPro toolchain and other open source libraries, this program implements most of the features also found in the older (closed-source and abandoned) tools developed by Rudolph and other members of the DS homebrew scene. It does not (and will never) support ROM dumping! Requirements: - A DLDI-capable Flash Card - A Nintendo DS Phat/Lite. DSi and 3DS are not supported! Features: - Should support all known DS game saves, including Pokemon HG/SS/B/W, and probably that pedometer game as well - Supports most GBA save types, with the exception of EEPROM type saves - Supports 3in1 backup mode (requires an EZFlash 3in1), WiFi backup mode (requires a compatible access point and an FTP server) - (soon) Translatable texts If you want to use any of my code in a project using a different license, contact me,

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