资 源 简 介
Besides protecting against certain room abuses, the bot also accepts remote commands to ban, mute, un-mute etc.
To run, download the distribution zip file, unzip it, and configure it... this means that you make a copy of the example-connection.properties file and edit it to match the connection you want to use. In the run.bat file, you must look at line #2 and change the connection.properties file path to match where you"ll be putting your specific connection properties file. Finally, run the run.bat script.
The bot will accept commands from moderators, such as ban, kick, mute, un-mute, clean out all guests. (Accounts with "guest" in their name.)
ban: b^somenickname
kick: k^somenickname
mute: m^somenickname
un-mute: um^somenickname