资 源 简 介
QMailSMTPAuth.pm is a plugin for spamassassin.
For install:
Download QMailSMTPAuth.pm in folder /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin (this is in my case, find INC with command perl -V)
Then add a file qmailauthsmtp.cf in /etc/spamassassin with this conent:
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::QMailSMTPAuth tn_find_mx by mx.mydomain.tdl with tn_find_smtp by smtp.mydomain.tdl with header QM_SENDBY_SMTPAUTH eval:send_by_smtpauth() score QM_SENDBY_SMTPAUTH -6
* replace mx.mydomain.tdl; is the result of resolver the PTR of your IP where listen the mx service
* replace smtp.mydomain.tdl; is the result of resolver the PTR of your IP where listen the smtp autenticate service
* mx.mydomain.tdl and smtp.mydomain.tdl, must be different.
This plugin read all headers "Received" un