资 源 简 介
Tazio is a distributed software transactional memory implementation. It is built to offer a good degree of high reliability and fault tolerance, and it uses active replication to achieve them.
Please go through the Wiki section to explore some of the ideas behind tazio. (You could start for example from Architecture)
Example of Usage
Define an interface annotaded with @Transactional (and of course provide an implementation)
@Transactional(implementation = UserImpl.class)
public interface User extends Serializable {
@PropertyGetter(propertyName = "username")
String getUsername() throws RollbackException;
@PropertySetter(propertyName = "username")
void setUsername(String username) throws RollbackException;
@PropertyGetter(propertyName = "bestFriend")
User bestFriend() throws RollbackExceptio;
@PropertySetter(propertyName = "bestFrien