资 源 简 介
Inspired by Spring Jdbctemplate and Commons Dbutils projects, JdbcHelper is a very small library for helping the developers code common jdbc operations. JdbcHelper is very lightweight. It is only ~70K and it has no external dependencies.
A usage example:
DataSource dataSource = new SimpleDataSource("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
"root", null);
JdbcHelper jdbc = new JdbcHelper(dataSource);
jdbc.execute("INSERT INTO jdbctest (id, name) VALUES(?, ?)", 10, "test");
Test t = jdbc.queryForObject("select * from jdbctest where id = ?", new BeanCreator() {
public Test createBean(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
Test t = new Test();
t.id = rs.getInt(1);
t.name = rs.getString(2);
return t;
}, 10);
Getting started with JdbcHelper