资 源 简 介
Maintained at http://github.com/aasmith/ofx-parser
ofx-parser is an OFX 1.x parser written in Ruby.
Reads OFX responses - i.e. those downloaded from financial institutions and puts it into a usable object graph.
Supports the 3 main message sets: banking, credit card and investment accounts, as well as the required "sign on" set.
Knows about SIC codes - if your institution provides them. See http://www.eeoc.gov/stats/jobpat/siccodes.html (now at http://www.osha.gov/pls/imis/sic_manual.html)
Monetary amounts can be retrieved either as a raw string, or in pennies.
Supports OFX timestamps.
Supports bank accounts:
require "rubygems"
require "ofx-parser"
ofx = OfxParser::OfxParser.parse(open("bank-statement.ofx"))
ofx.bank_account.number # => "103333333333"
ofx.bankaccount.routingnumber # => "033000033"