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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 一个微型惯性导航系统在TI DSP平台TMS320F28335与MEMS惯性传感器和GPS接收机。

一个微型惯性导航系统在TI DSP平台TMS320F28335与MEMS惯性传感器和GPS接收机。

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The open source project DSP_INS is an inertial navigation system on the TI DSP platform TMS320F28335 with MEMS inertial sensors and commercial GPS module. Inertial sensors are actually used only for estimating attitude, heading and velocity. Position information totally comes from GPS. Currently the MEMS IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) ADIS16355 and GPS module u-blox LEA-5H are supported. DSP_INS also reads magnetic field data from HONEYWELL HMC1051/1052. You can also use the IMU module ADIS16405, which integrates magnetic field sensors. There is a 10-order extended Kalman filter in DSP_INS, which takes angular velocity, acceleration, magnetic field, and GPS velocity as inputs. It provides outputs including angular velocity, acceleration, attitude, heading, velocity, and position (from GPS) every 10 milliseconds. DSP_INS is proved to be effective and reliable in several robot and unmanned aerial vehicle projects. Many robots using DSP_INS or its previous versions as the meas

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