资 源 简 介
Rex Editor is a text editor featuring syntax highlighting, a tabbed interface, and a project browser view.
Rex is written entirely in Ruby and uses the Ruby-Tk library to display the interface. Jamis Buck"s Syntax gem is used for syntax highlighting.
Dependencies are:
* Ruby-Tk (part of the Ruby standard library)
* the "syntax" gem
Current features:
* Syntax highlighting for Ruby, YAML & XML files
* Tabbed file view
* File browser
Known Bugs:
* Syntax croaks on lines that end with a backslash
Keyboard shortcuts & commands:
closes current tab
saves current tab
opens a file open dialog box
* Double-clicking on a tab toggles tab maximization
* Subversion integration, diff view
* Collapsible tree view
* Better color selection for syntax highlighting
* Trac integration
* Test on Mac & Windows
请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报