资 源 简 介
An Example Session
074647 -ChanServ- [#ackro] For the next hour *we* will controll all you can see and hear!080040 Is this TERMINAL fun?083739 ,source?083740 source [0] Mercurial repos available at http://ackro.ath.cx:8000083740 [1] tarballs at http://code.google.com/p/rutot/084317 ,plugins084318 anagram, date, defaults, dict, fortune, google, gstats, hgwatch, imdb, insult, keywords, network, plugins, reload, ri, rtv, stats, theyfightcrime, translate, tryruby, uri, version, weather, wp084329 # plugins are not keywords084334 ,an rutot084335 Anagrams: trout, tutor, rout t, toru t, tour t, tour t, toru t, rout t, tout r, tout r084347 # you get the idea?084354 ,imdb fight club084358 Fight Club (1999): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0137523/