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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 以上程序来自水母清华bbs,你可以到学术资源


资 源 简 介

以上程序来自水母清华bbs,你可以到学术资源-〉signal->精华区里找, 下面是写这个程序的大虾的补充 发信人: maxxu (小小鸟), 信区: Signal 标 题: Re: 大侠们出手:高斯(白)噪声的c程序实现 发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Dec 29 16:33:07 2000)-Above procedure from the jellyfish Tsinghua bbs, you can go to academic resources-> signal-> the best area to find, the following is written this procedure to add the sender of the shrimp: maxxu (小小鸟), letter of the district: Signal heading: Re : heroes are hand: Gaussian (white) noise c program letters stand: BBS SMTH Station (Fri Dec 29 16:33:07 2000)

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