资 源 简 介
Last Update: gwt-dialogs 1.0.0 has just been released, and is now available on [Maven central](http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|gwt-dialogs)!
A set of highly customizable standard dialog boxes powered by UiBinder, CSS and GWT Injection(Gin).
It is composed of the following components:
* MessageDialog: Modal dialogs for displaying information, warning, error messages or for asking the user a question.
* ColorDialog: Modal dialog for picking a color.
* ContextMenuDialog: Context menu dialog associated to a widget.
* ProgressDialog: Progress dialog for displaying a progress indicator when performing a long operation.
* and more coming soon...
A showcase of the project is available here: http://my-showcases.appspot.com/gwt-dialogs.
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