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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > JavaScript > JavaScript:笔记和气球;完整的加密协议栈(即<10不兼容);求解多项式方程;


资 源 简 介

Some useful javascript client routines to do adaptable displays, popnotes and endnotes, as well as complete encryption for the people: RSA and AES. Also: helper routines for base64, actual random number generation and so on. The RSA stack is clean and (nearly!) clear: intuit a bit of number theory and you can follow it... Some server-side code in PHP is included, for use and/or illustration. NOTE that some of these routines are incompatible with Internet Explorer, 9 and below. Most recently, routines to define polynomials and solve multivariate polynomial equations numerically have been added. Software is actually under MPL 2, rather than (as it says) 1.1.

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