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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > JavaScript > 弹出一个窗口使用jQuery JavaScript库的Web页

弹出一个窗口使用jQuery JavaScript库的Web页

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Introduction jQuery.msgbox popups a msgbox on the web pages using jquery JavaScript Library Find version 8.0 at http://jmsgbox.com Find latest version at http://jmsgbox.com Information Auther: pwwang( http://pwwang.com ) Plugin page: http://pwwang.com/2009/10/01/jquery-msgbox/ Details It does: * simulate window.alert, and the title of the box will flash if you try to click other part of the page * simulate window.confirm * allow you to popup a plain text box * allow you to popup a iframe in the box * allow you to popup a box with Ajax method * be closed automatically as you wish * mask the back contents of page when box showed * do an event you designated when the box closes * be dragged to anywhere in the window as you wish * decided whether popup another box if the page is in the iframe of a box Version 1.0 add basic functions, non-jQuery version Version 2.0 <

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