资 源 简 介
This migrator (Frusta di Uova) archives all the blog posts hosted on blog.sina.com into ".WXR" XML file, which can be imported to WordPress. (本工具将新浪博客移植到WordPress,首先将新浪博文全部导出为.wxr文件,然后在WordPress端后台手动上传该文件。)
Due to the grumpy (X)HTML code written by sina (How grumpy? You dare try W3C validator?), the canonical method to parse (X)HTML is not applicable here. I manually grab what interests you using regex, even it is told wrong(http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2009/11/parsing-html-the-cthulhu-way.html).
However, the images reside in the post is not being fed into WordPress. The roadblock is I don"t know how to upload images to WordPress server(Are you interested in contributing this?).
Caution: The code will be not well supported later on.