资 源 简 介
自组织 Kohonen 映射程序,当一个神经网络接受外界输入模式时,将会分为不同的区域,各区域对输入模式具有不同的响应特征,同时这一过程是自动完成的。各神经元的连接权值具有一定的分布。最邻近的神经元互相刺激,而较远的神经元则相互抑制,更远一些的则具有较弱的刺激作用。自组织特征映射法是一种无教师的聚类方法。 -Kohonen self-organizing map process, when a neural network to outside input mode, will be divided into different regions, the regional input to the model with different response characteristics and the process is done automatically. The neurons connect with the right to a certain value of the distribution. Most neighboring neurons stimulate each other, distant neurons were mutual inhibition, the vision has a weaker stimulus. Self-organizing feature mapping method is a non-teachers clustering method.