资 源 简 介
The SQL Power Architect Community Edition is a cross-platform, open-source data modeling tool with a GUI and an embeddable API.
For more information on the Community or Enterprise Edition of SQL Power Architect, please visit http://www.sqlpower.ca/page/architect
SQL Power Architect 1.0.7 Released!
The SQL Power Architect 1.0.7 has been released! This is mainly a bug-fix release. Notable changes include:
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed several issues in the copy and paste operations.
* Improved on the undo and redo of table columns.
* Improved the straighten lines layout feature.
* Added 11g configuration to the basic database list that comes with Architect.
SQL Power Architect 1.0.6 and older releases are still available for download.
Bug database
We are not currently using the bug database provided by Google Code, because we have a
long history already built up in our own Bugzilla instance.
Access SQL Power"s Bugzilla datab