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OpenICC is a group of people dedicated to organise how applications, libraries, toolkits and colour devices talk each to the other about colours. The center of this work is the ICC specification, which is surrounded by several general and operating system specific conventions to create a open sourced colour management system.
Oyranos is a example implementation of mentioned conventions to cover ICC profile handling and colour conversions. The newBSD licensed code base is plain C with very few dependencies, namely libxml2 and Elektra. Goal is to use existing standard technology like XML, XFORMS and GLSL. Oyranos features a (almost) data independent framework to plug-in data manipulators, for colour conversions, tonemapping, image I/O and other operators into a data processing graph.
The OpenIcc group consists of the members of the so named email list. OpenICC was started by Scribus members to better support introduction of colour management into applica