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Project Abstract
It is commonly known that accesses to off-chip resources, particularly memory, cause considerable performance limitations in computing systems. To speed up memory access it is necessary to design high frequency chip-to-chip interconnects. These high frequency connections introduce many second order effects that make bit sampling difficult. It is proposed that current signal analysis techniques are researched and used to develop a software tool that interconnect designers can use to obtain design validation of a given interconnect with a fixed sampling window. It is expected that such a tool will allow designers to develop faster and lossless interconnects.
2008 Team Members
Bryson Kent, u0553461(AT)utah.edu
Ben Meakin, ben.meakin(AT)utah.edu
Jordan Kemp, jordan.kemp(AT)utah.edu
M. Lucas Loero, u0527079(AT)utah.edu
Raheem Alhamdani, R.Alhamdani(AT)utah.edu