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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 二郎类转换添加面向对象编程Erlang


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News Uploaded MSc Thesis about ECT: Hot class swapping in Erlang 2011-10-09 dc.pdf ECT v0.3 packed 2010-01-17 ECT v0.3 is available for download here: ect-0.3.tgz. See README.TXT for installation, and browse the classes in tests/feature_tests to see usage examples. New features include: Private fields, aka data hiding. Better support for hot class swapping. ECT v0.3 released 2009-12-06 SVN checkout is possible in the Source tab, or it can be directly browsed here. Currently comments are beeing added to the source code. Erlang workshop ECT was presented at the Erla

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