a simple class to use can help you to make a fish-eye magnifier.
this program with Chinese&English notes which tell you how to use it.
//by inuheaven@163.com
//bitmapdata fisheye magnifier
/**> 本例是使用近似算法,只是最简单的鱼眼应用。此类绑定一个以0,0为中心,半径R=50的圆即可使用。也可以自行绘制放大镜子。
需要近远调节,可以自行写 放大镜与物件的距离,放大镜与人眼的距离 与 放大倍数的映射关系
this is a proximation. a simple fisheye.bind it with a sprite which has a circle which r=100 in point(0,0),u can draw your own magnifier.
the theory is concentric circles filled with different scaled original pictures
可以用tweener做动画 move with tweener class
Tweener.addTween(myMovieClip, {x:10, time:1,onUpdate:magnifier.render});
时间轴动画可以用enterFrame move in flash
function enterFrameH(e){