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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > JavaScript > 一个宁静的时尚渲染的Atom feed文件的JavaScript模块系统

一个宁静的时尚渲染的Atom feed文件的JavaScript模块系统

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Plinth is a system of modules built around a javascript-based "micro-kernel" that employs call chains as an intercommunication scheme between components. These modules are loosely coupled and run exclusively in the client browser. Communication with the hosting server is sparse and RESTfull. The emergent behavior of the current module stack is to present a website interface that is actually an Atom feed reader, but other behaviors may be defined through the inclusion of a different module stack. The current module stack supports code self-documentation in the form of Atom feed documents hidden behing javascript comment symbols. It also includes its own xml-parser, a miniature DOM tree and navigation widgets. The project goals are to support more HTML templates --by deveoping HTML templates and their respective template modules-- and to expand the current set of modules and widgets.

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