资 源 简 介
pyvXRAY is a tool to generate virtual x-rays from 3D solid finite element bone/implant models. It is a plug-in to ABAQUS, a commerically available Finite Element package.
pyvXRAY creates a time series of virtual x-rays of a bone/implant model by mapping bone density from a finite element model onto a regular grid and then projecting this onto three orthogonal planes. This is intended for post-processing of numerical bone remodelling analyses, the main objective of which typically is to detect temporal changes in the bone density around an implant and predict the long term stability of the implant in the absence of clinical data.
The resulting series of virtual x-ray images are in a format similar to clinical results making the result
1. more easily understood and accepted by clinicians and
1. able to be directly compared to clinical data, which enables validation of numerical bone remodelling algorithms.
The series of images (