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  • 资源大小:10.95 MB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
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  • 资源积分:1积分
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资 源 简 介

Motivation - Why do we need to assess the quality of molecular interactions? Molecular interactions are of fundamental importance for understanding the function of the cell. Consequently, more and more research groups are working in this domain, producing an ever-increasing amount of data on the interaction of molecules. Frameworks like the HUPO-PSI initiated PSICQUIC are supporting researchers by making these distributed sets of interaction data easily accessible. However, they do not provide sufficient means for assessing the reliability of the data. As the experimental techniques with which molecular interactions can be determined largely differ, so does their quality and reliability. Independent means to assess individual interactions are required, regardless of whether they have been determined by a high-throughput technolgy like Y2H or TAP/MS, sm

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