资 源 简 介
This project has moved to: http://icebert.github.io/pblat/
For cluster version of pblat, please refer to: http://icebert.github.io/pblat-cluster/
parallelized blat
blat with multi-threads support
when the query file format is fasta, you can specify many threads to process it. It can reduce run time linearly, and use almost equal memory as the original blat program. This is useful when you blat a big query file to a huge reference like human whole genome sequence.
The program is based on the original blat program which was written by Jim Kent.
pblat can run on Linux and Mac OS.
To compile the source code, simply enter the source code directory in terminal and issue the "make" command. When the compiling finished, the executable pblat will locate in the same directory. Then it can be moved to where you want.
of threads>" in the command line.