资 源 简 介
What It Does
The code accepts incoming commands via telnet or voice recognition, then it sends the commands out to a robot device. It is essentially an API for using a cellphone to control a robot.
Highlighted functionality includes:
* Voice recognition to speak to your robot
* Text-to-speech so your robot can speak back
* Compass orientation to point North, East, South, West, or any degree in between
* Remote control commands for forward, back, left, right, and stop
* Audio recoding to use the phone"s mic to record sounds
* GPS to acquire the phone"s location and speak the city and state
* XMPP Chat to send chat commands to the robot
Why use cellphones for robots?
By using cheap electronic components such as Arduino boards, you can pair them with your $400 phone to make an awesome robot. It would cost hundreds of dollars to a